There are now a number of ways you can pursue your hobby underwater as a diver with a sight issue. These include self-adhesive reading lenses, which you stick on to the inside of your mask. These do not affect your long-distance vision, as the lenses only cover the lower third of your viewing panel. If your prescription changes, the lenses can be removed and changed if required.
However, the disadvantage is that generally, not all strengths are available. In general, reading lenses or stick-on films only come in 0.5 dioptre steps. Sight issues such as astigmatism cannot be corrected with these lenses. In addition, the adhesive on the lenses can become loose during diving and fall off.
Reading aids and ready-made lenses for diving masks only ever deliver approximate correction of a sight issue. For divers who only have low-dioptre strength in their glasses, these lenses can be a cost-effective solution. But at the latest, when the strength increases or if astigmatism arises, professionally fitted lenses in your diving mask are the better alternative. Every eye is different, and only individually fitted lenses from an optician guarantee a trouble-free vision experience in every situation.
Just like with normal glasses, with us you can choose from single-strength lenses and diving masks with bifocal or varifocal lenses. We also take you individual eye strength and parameters such as pupil distance and segment height into precise consideration. So this always creates an exact image on your retina, without your brain having to correct the inevitable deviations caused by read-made glasses. This can quickly strain the eyes, or even lead to headaches and nausea, which can pose an enormous safety hazard underwater.
No matter what lenses you select, the delivery time after sending and inspection of your diving mask is 14-21 working days.
To have your diving mask fitted with individually made lenses, we need your prescription strength plus your pupil distance (distance from the centre of your eye to the centre of your face). For bifocal or varifocal lenses, we also need the segment height (distance from the lower end of your frame to the middle of your pupil).
The best way to measure the height of your pupils is to sit in front of a mirror and use a waterproof pen to mark the precise location of your pupils on the visor of your diving mask. Of course, you can also have these values measured by an optician. In general, you will also find all the required values on your glasses prescription.
To order your diving mask with the desired lens, please enter the corresponding values in our lens configurator. You can then check the values in your shopping basket and choose your desired payment method. Then send your diving mask to the following address:
Meine Brille GmbH
Abteilung Tauchmaske
Nordring 77-79
44787 Bochum
Your shipment is insured and there is no charge to you. We are happy to provide a package label. No matter what lenses you select, the delivery time after sending and inspection of your diving mask is 14-21 working days.
Unfortunately, due to the variety of diving masks, we can’t make a general statement to say which models can, or cannot, be fitted with lenses. Often, the size and shape of your diving mask determines whether optical lenses can be fitted. If in doubt, we are happy to check if your diving mask can be fitted with lenses. We charge €20 for this, which we then naturally return as a credit if your mask is suitable and you choose to make a purchase from us.
Why is there a charge? This amount is based on the expertise of our staff and our glass manufacturer. Not only is there is an expense for delivery costs to us and our suppliers, but there is also the labour time involved for the employees working with your diving mask.
In general, optical glass can only be fitted in diving masks which feature two individual flat panes. In diving masks with curved panes, there is not enough grip to guarantee a firm fitting.
Single lens masks have the problem that when two optical lenses are glued in, this causes a lot of tension on the visor, which reduces the adhesion of the UV adhesive. However, depending on the model, optical lenses can also be fitted here. For fitting lenses to a single lens mask, please contact us in advance.
Naturally the visor of your diving mask should be in good condition, so not scratched on the inside, as otherwise we cannot guarantee optimal vision when fitting lenses to your mask.
To ensure the lenses can be integrated into the diving mask precisely, they must first be ground appropriately. It is important that the lenses are ground with a zero curve. This refers to the curvature of the glass on the side where it is bonded to the glass of the diving mask.
Only if the glass on this side has no curvature, or an exact zero curve, will the optical glass and the glass in the diving mask fit together perfectly together later. This is particularly important so that no air bubbles are created when sticking the glass, which would mean a perfect bond could not be guaranteed.
After the glass has been ground into the appropriate shape in line with the customer’s parameters, the pieces of glass are stuck together. For this, we use an extremely elastic multi-component adhesive which can resist the extreme pressure underwater. The adhesive does not react with seawater, chlorine or UV radiation. It can also resists severe temperature swings.
Price: 199 Euro
Single strength lenses offer perfect support for distance. On request, lenses for close range can also be limited to the lower area of the mask, so that the upper part can still be used for distance.
Price: 459 Euro
Bifocal lenses guarantee perfect long-distance sight. The reading pane in the lower area of glass ensures a clear view of instruments or your diving computer.
Price: 499 Euro
Varifocal lenses ensure a seamless transition between the individual sight ranges. When you wear varifocal lenses, you are guaranteed the greatest possible range of vision in the near distance. In addition, you have optimal vision at every distance.
The higher the dioptre value, the thicker the glasses’ lens. These strikingly thick lenses are very disruptive, particularly with diving masks. The thicker the lenses, the less space you have in the area around the visor and you can no longer guarantee flawless sight and comfort during use.
A higher refractive index allows us to use thinner glass in the lens despite a higher prescription strength. The refractive index indicates who strongly the light is broken up by the glasses lenses. The higher the refractive index, the thinner the glass.
For values between 4,5 and +4,00 dioptres we recommend glass with an index of 1.5. This involves basic quality plastic lenses.
For values between - 5,00 and from + 4,00, as well as a cylinder value over 2.00, we recommend lenses with an index of 1.7. Despite the higher prescription values, these lenses mean you don’t feel unpleasant pressure under your diving mask. This involves the thinnest glass for glasses on the market, which is around 20% thinner than standard glass.
Ready-made lenses for diving masks only allow approximate correction of a sight issue which may well be acceptable for low prescriptions. But at the very latest when cylinder values are involved on top of spherical values (astigmatism), optical lenses from a specialist are a better alternative. Every eye is different, and only individually fitted lenses from an optician guarantee a trouble-free vision experience in every situation.
Just like with normal glasses, you can choose from single-strength lenses and diving masks with bifocal or varifocal lenses. We consider your individual prescription as well as your pupil distance and the required segment height. So, this always creates an exact image on your retina, without your brain having to correct the inevitable deviations caused by ready-made glasses. This often leads to eye strain, or even headaches and nausea.
Do you need some help choosing the right lenses or diving mask? Please contact us:
Tel.: 0800 7242793 (English and German-speaking service)
Vorteile von Tauchmasken Gläsern vom Optiker
Fertiggläser für Tauchmasken ermöglichen immer nur eine ungefähre Korrektur der Fehlsichtigkeit, was bei geringen Sehwerten noch erträglich sein mag. Spätestens aber wenn zu den sphärischen Werten noch zylindrische Werte (Hornhautverkrümmung) dazukommen, sind optische Gläser vom Fachmann die bessere Alternative. Jedes Auge ist anders und nur individuell angepasste Gläser vom Optiker garantieren ein unbeschwertes Seherlebnis in allen Situationen.
Wie bei einer normalen Brille auch, haben Sie bei uns die Wahl zwischen Einstärkengläsern und Tauchmasken mit Bifokal- oder Gleitsichtverglasung. Ihre indiviuellen Sehwerte werden dabei genauso berücksichtigt wie Ihre Pupillendistanz und die erforderliche Einschleifhöhe. So wird immer ein exaktes Bild auf Ihrer Netzhaut abgebildet, ohne dass Ihr Gehirn die bei Fertiggläsern unvermeidbaren Abweichungen ausgleichen muss, was nicht selten zu Überlastungen der Augen bis hin zu Kopfschmerzen und Übelkeit führt.
Fragen zu unseren Gläsern?
Sie benötigen Hilfe beim Auswählen der richtigen Gläser oder Tauchmaske? Kontaktieren Sie uns: